Trump threatens 20 percent tariff on imported European cars

The administration has demanded that the EU remove tariffs and barriers affecting US goods.

President Donald Trump has again threatened to impose tariffs on vehicles imported from the European Union.

The president’s latest Twitter post claims the US will impose a 20-percent tariff penalty on European imports if the EU’s own tariffs and barriers on US goods are not “soon broken down and removed.”

The administration has made similar threats to impose tariffs on various goods from a range of industries. The government moved forward with tariffs on imported aluminum and steel, prompting retaliatory EU tariffs on a long list of US products spanning from trousers to motorcycles and canoes.

Trump has also targeted Chinese goods, threatening to roll out tariffs in several stages that could eventually affect hundreds of billions of dollars worth of imports.

The administration has demanded that the EU remove tariffs and barriers affecting US goods.

President Donald Trump has again threatened to impose tariffs on vehicles imported from the European Union.

The president's latest Twitter post claims the US will impose a 20-percent tariff penalty on European imports if the EU's own tariffs and barriers on US goods are not "soon broken down and removed."

The administration has made similar threats to impose tariffs on various goods from a range of industries. The government moved forward with tariffs on imported aluminum and steel, prompting retaliatory EU tariffs on a long list of US products spanning from trousers to motorcycles and canoes.

Trump has also targeted Chinese goods, threatening to roll out tariffs in several stages that could eventually affect hundreds of billions of dollars worth of imports.


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