Artist accuses Tesla of stealing farting unicorn artwork

Tesla allegedly used potter Tom Edwards’ coffee mug art for a software icon without asking for permission.

A childishly scrawled drawing of a farting unicorn is at the center of Elon Musk’s latest Twitter battle.

Elon Musk Is a Farting Unicorn Fan, but Blew Off Creator Tom Edwards
So how did Thomas Edwards’s design wind up in Elon Musk’s cars?

The executive last year posted an image on Twitter of artist Tom Edwards’ unicorn coffee mug, which serves as a joke about electric cars being powered by magical unicorn flatulence. Musk said it might be his “favorite mug ever.”

The image then popped up as an icon to Tesla’s easter-egg sketchpad app in the infotainment platform for the Model S and Model X. Tesla allegedly never asked permission to use the artwork, prompting Edwards to find an attorney and start a discussion over potential compensation, according to Westword.

“We gained no financial benefit,” Musk responded on Twitter. “Have asked my team to use a diff example going forward. He can sue for money if he wants, but that’s kinda lame. If anything, this attention increased his mug sales.”

Tesla allegedly used potter Tom Edwards' coffee mug art for a software icon without asking for permission.

A childishly scrawled drawing of a farting unicorn is at the center of Elon Musk's latest Twitter battle.

Elon Musk Is a Farting Unicorn Fan, but Blew Off Creator Tom Edwards So how did Thomas Edwards's design wind up in Elon Musk's cars?

The executive last year posted an image on Twitter of artist Tom Edwards' unicorn coffee mug, which serves as a joke about electric cars being powered by magical unicorn flatulence. Musk said it might be his "favorite mug ever."

The image then popped up as an icon to Tesla's easter-egg sketchpad app in the infotainment platform for the Model S and Model X. Tesla allegedly never asked permission to use the artwork, prompting Edwards to find an attorney and start a discussion over potential compensation, according to Westword.

"We gained no financial benefit," Musk responded on Twitter. "Have asked my team to use a diff example going forward. He can sue for money if he wants, but that's kinda lame. If anything, this attention increased his mug sales."


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